Monday, March 19, 2007

Posts a-Plenty

Excuse me, while I go on an old-fashioned interweb rant.

So in my perusals, I've stumbled across many an odd little duck blog here and there.  Every now and then, one will stick out in my mind maybe because I like how they write or reflect or maybe because it's just habitual, but that's besides the point.  The purpose of a blog really does vary, but originally, the blog was an online diary of sorts which gave everyone the right to easily publish whatever they wanted to on the web.  When the blog boom hit, around the time of the last election, I think people were still a bit confused as to what this whole "web-log" thing was all about.  It's interesting to note how much it has grown in that time, with millions of people contributing to the ether every day.

What gets me, however, is how people use this medium in their personal lives.  Depending on how much you intend to share, private blogs are definitely the way to go if you are a private person, but the ones that are public can be somewhat scary.  Myself, I tend towards vagaries and allusions more than anything, at least I hope I do, except for the random "Look at me!" post every now and then.  When you start getting even bigger "Look at me!" posts from others, it tends to make you shy away from those sorts of happenstances.

For instance, I tend to get a lot of "the fabulous life of Me" vibes from many a young person's ramblings.  While there also tends to be a "Woe is me" stance, that's a bit more welcome than the former.  While I do tend to enjoy what people have to share about life in general, it gets a little incongruous when the tone of posting tends towards the pretentious.

Wait, is that what I'm doing right now?  Hrm...

Anyhow, I declare that there should be a return to humility for most people.  What happened to the tendency towards non-self-importance?  Does self-publishing really precede self-editing?  Should the internets be handing out "license to blog" cards to eliminate the chaff (yes that premise is ridiculous)?  Am I just the wrong audience?

I'm most certain that the last statement is the most true. 

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