Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Recipe Test

Yes, I will try this for the first time.  Let's see if I can be accurate enough to not be cloying.  Mind you, these are guidelines and should only be used as such.  I take no responsibility for ensuing heart attacks.

Crispy Bacon Goodness

4 slices of bread (preferably sourdough)
spreadable butter
6 slices of good bacon (center-cut/thick)
4 slices of good-melting cheese (my favorite is Havarti)
2 eggs

Set sautee pan at medium heat and cook bacon to slight crispiness.  Set aside on a plate lined with a paper towel to drain grease.  Start making like you love grilled cheese like no man loves grilled cheese.  Slather one side of each slice of bread with mayo.  Place two slices of cheese (you can go nuts and use two kinds if you like) on one side of one slice of mayo-slathered bread and three slices of bacon on another slice and merge into sandwich-form. Spread butter onto one side of en-sandwiched bread and set aside.

Clean sautee pan with paper towel and set at medium heat.  Place soon to be melty sandwich on pan butter-side down and spread butter on un-touched side of tastiness.  While sandwich is toasting, set an omelet pan at low and butter that bad boy up like nobody's business.  Crack an egg and prep either sunny-side up or over easy.  I prefer over easy, but sunny-side is more gooey. Flip sandwiches when golden brown and noticeably melted through.  Set finished egg aside and repeat with second egg.  Plate each sandwich when finished and top with finished egg.

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