Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So what's new?  Oh yea!  I'm now 30!  That's interesting, maybe?  I don't feel any different, of course, but someone pointed out the other day that people turning 30 seem to be more sentimental.  I suppose that's true.  Who knows.  I never accomplished what I wanted to by now, but I've realized that it's OK.  There's plenty of time left in my life, so why not take the opportunity now, while I still can.  My only wish is that I could actually focus.  There's too much that I enjoy doing and not enough time in the day, or self-motivation, to do it all.  Let's recap:

5 years ago at 25: Grace and I were enjoying our first year together.  I'd just changed jobs and also had just moved into the Hawth.

10 years ago at 20: Stuck in school.  Burnt out by Junior year and exhausted.  Wondering why the heck I'd even decided to be an engineer.

15 years ago at 15: Freshman year in high school.  Not many friends, but the ones I made, I've kept. 

20 years ago at 5: Wasn't in kindergarten yet.  I don't remember a thing except running around the pre-school playground like I was raised by monkeys.

Sentimental enough?

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