It's hot.
Hot where I'm living I mean. So hot that I can't bear to be living there at the moment. Call me a wuss, call me a wimp, call me hot-blooded, I was born in a beach city, and I lived in a beach city for too long to be subjected to the harsh environs of the IE, baby. I looked on the other day to check the nighttime temperature and it read 68 degrees with 70% humidity. It felt more like 90 degrees, with that same humidity. It wasn't just heat, it was heavy heat. Excuse me for feeling sorry for myself.
Seems like a great deal of us are going through some sort of change. Strike that. Change "great deal" to "few" and that seems more appropriate. Change is good since it keeps us from being bored out of our overachieving minds. Our ADD/MTV/30 second commercial spot minds have a tendency to lose interest in things quickly, so we should be blessed when we find something that captures our attention for long stretches. Maybe we can actually learn something if we concentrate on it for that long. Novel idea, eh?
At any rate, I felt like writing this blurb because I've been neglecting my bloggerly duties of late. Perhaps because I've been busy, or perhaps because I've been busy. Take your pick. Look forward to more material within the coming weeks and perhaps a change or two.
Friday, May 30, 2003
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
I'll make like Fastball and help others find "The Way." I better start with myself though.
I like to dance. Moreso than most people to tell the truth. Some people need a little liquid assistance to get their feet moving to a beat. I think I just need a beat. Does that make me "festive?" I think it just makes me a little more willing to make a fool out of myself. Perhaps it's in my blood? I tend to believe more in the latter. Then again, it's not just me that likes to dance. Must be a personal choice sort of thing.
One thing I've realized in all my years that I've been watching the sport of hockey: Goalies are the most important people to trust on the ice. The LA Kings have their wizard in Mr. Felix Potvin, but no other goalie is as important as Mr. Patrick Roy. Good thing he's going out at the top of his game. No retiring and unretiring for Mr. Roy, he's a smart one, he is.
Since I've been paying tribute to the comic strip artists and comic book artists of today and of yesterday, it seems appropriate to spotlight their annual awards. The Rubens, named after Rube Goldberg, sound like an interesting place to be if you're interested in any sort of cartooning. Someday, I tell myself, someday...
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
Live and die by your Free Will Horoscope:
I'm in charge!
I know someone with a Mini. Nice little car. If only it were a convertible. That'd be pretty tight.
CNN wants to educate you. First of all, they want you to know that Buffy The Vampire Slayer is coming to and end. Then, they also want you to know that even though we might think teen sex is on the decline, ideas about teen sex are becoming more degraded. Makes you think...
A few months back, there was a study that proclaimed the hispanic population was fast becoming the largest minority group within the United States. I find that fact amazing, what I find more amazing is that even so, people still have their conspiracy theories. I'm sorry, but that article really makes me sad.
Don't eat bread. It's bad for you.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
I don't care if I've posted anything about Adam Hughes before, he kicks so much ass he deserves another mention. I won't even bother trying to describe his work other than to say he kicks butt at drawing women. I hope some day I can draw them so well. Just remember, "It's just a drawing!"
Monday, May 19, 2003
I want to make Monday slightly more cheery for everyone with a little update. Fun, fun, fun for everyone, one, one.
Jayson Blair Lies. A Lot.
Ang Lee Directs "Shrek 2"
Shaq's Fat
Friday, May 16, 2003
Have you been to Kaliber 10,000? You should check it out. While you're at it, maybe you should check out the Axis of Justice too. Kill some time and free your mind.
Thursday, May 15, 2003
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
An actual complete update even with a Free Will Horoscope:
The code of my soul, sort of like living in the Matrix? We'll find out tomorrow now won't we?
In the news recently, we've seen some plenty interesting action. While the NBA playoffs rage on, we have several stars who are currently uninvolved trying to do something for their comminuty. Most notably, Yao Ming wants to assist his homeland with a public service announcement regarding the SARS epidemic. Very key since Yao happens to be one of the foremost recognizeable Chinese figures and is quite influential in his home country. He's also getting assistance from other NBA'ers, so it will be interesting to see if there is any effect.
Some people would believe that freeways are our enemy. Others believe that in a sense, freeways are art. I tend to agree with the former. I hate freeways. I hate the daily commute and the type of horrible drivers I experience everyday. I hate the stupid little Fast And The Furious wannabes who try to roll me whenever I get near them. A pain I say, a pain.
Do you like Pearl Jam? Maybe you're all sick of the grunge era, but they're one of the few bands still left over, and also have a quite a large fan following. I tend to believe they're some of the most opinionated and talented musicians alive today. You may disagree on the talent, but they are definitely opinionated. None moreso than their lead singer, Eddie Vedder.
You thought that the Spider-man movie was all fun and games, eh? Well, just like any other Big Hollywood Property, it has its fair share of politics. First we had Marvel suing Sony, and then Sony countersues Marvel. Now we have the story of how star, Toby Maguire, tried to flex his star muscle and lost out. Personally, I can't see anyone else being Peter Parker. Jake Gyllenhal? Please.
As always, Time Magazine has the lion's share of attention. If you want to read their Matrix Reloaded plot summary, check it out, but I'm not linking to it. Other than that, they have stories about lies and more lying. All I have to say is, be sincere and honest people. Maybe you'll get somewhere without consequence.
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Monday, May 12, 2003
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
Wouldja believe, a Free Will Horoscope?:
I think my power spot is in the library, reading. Or at school, studying. Somehow that makes me smarter.
Finally, Summer's upon us yet again. Seems like so long ago that June rolled around and the clouds opened up with nice sunny rays that made you say, "Oh yea!" Now we get to revel in the fact that the weather will be nice for a while, and some highly anticipated movies are only a matter of weeks away. We have several options for the summer as always. I mean, ways to keep ourselves occupied. We can always pick up some new reading material if we have free time. We can even meet some new people if we have the chance. The important thing is that Summer is a time for all of our springtime ideas to become realities. If anything, it is also time to just relax and have a little fun. So I say, sit back, relax, take in a flick, and enjoy it while it lasts.
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
Images, Huzzah! Ahem, anyway... Today we spotlight Bruce Timm. Mr. Timm is most well-known for his ground-breaking work with Paul Dini on Batman: The Animated Series. So influential was their translation of the Dark Knight's grim environment, they have also been able to produce a Superman animated series as well as a JLA animated series. A key factor was the distinct illustrative style of Bruce Timm. Bathed in art-deco stylings, his characters are given their character through his intensely expressive linework and keen eye for design. Instantly recognizeable, I admire Timm's individuality, as his style is separate from the generic look of many an animated series. Give his gallery a look, and you'll find more to admire.
Monday, May 05, 2003
Busy busy weekend, so hardly any news for you to peruse.
The New Design Ethic
Mutants You Won't See On Screen
Friday, May 02, 2003
by William Butler Yeats
The girl goes dancing there
On the leaf-sown, new-mown, smooth
Grass plot of the garden;
Escaped from bitter youth,
Escaped out of her crowd,
Or out of her black cloud.
Ah, dancer, ah, sweet dancer.!
If strange men come from the house
To lead her away, do not say
That she is happy being crazy;
Lead them gently astray;
Let her finish her dance,
Let her finish her dance.
Ah, dancer, ah, sweet dancer.!