Friday, May 30, 2003

It's hot.

Hot where I'm living I mean. So hot that I can't bear to be living there at the moment. Call me a wuss, call me a wimp, call me hot-blooded, I was born in a beach city, and I lived in a beach city for too long to be subjected to the harsh environs of the IE, baby. I looked on the other day to check the nighttime temperature and it read 68 degrees with 70% humidity. It felt more like 90 degrees, with that same humidity. It wasn't just heat, it was heavy heat. Excuse me for feeling sorry for myself.

Seems like a great deal of us are going through some sort of change. Strike that. Change "great deal" to "few" and that seems more appropriate. Change is good since it keeps us from being bored out of our overachieving minds. Our ADD/MTV/30 second commercial spot minds have a tendency to lose interest in things quickly, so we should be blessed when we find something that captures our attention for long stretches. Maybe we can actually learn something if we concentrate on it for that long. Novel idea, eh?

At any rate, I felt like writing this blurb because I've been neglecting my bloggerly duties of late. Perhaps because I've been busy, or perhaps because I've been busy. Take your pick. Look forward to more material within the coming weeks and perhaps a change or two.

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