Sunday, December 26, 2004

Happy Holidays!

Family Tree
Originally uploaded by kardinalsin.
A late Christmas entry for all two of you who might actually read this thing still. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures this year of party or family which is pretty sad to tell the truth, but here's a picture I hope will remain true every year on Christmas, the tree. In particular, this tree was given to me by my grandparents as a nice reminder of family over the holidays. They picked out every ornament and decorated this tree for me in a way that makes it highly personal, and although it's fake, it is the only tree that I need to have in my apartment every year.

This Christmas was extremely satisfying. Not because I got lovely presents from everyone, but because I was able to spend it in good spirits with the people that are important to me. Seeing everyone in such a good mood to me is what the holidays are really about. We forget our personal differences, all that's made us bitter and selfish during the year, and are able to spend it together and remember what it is that made us friends in the first place.

My one regret this year, was not being able to get presents for every one of my friends. Usually, I relish being able to find that one special thing to light the eyes, but we made more of an effort to be frugal this year, and part of me dislikes that fact. Although incredibly convenient, and ultimately fun, I missed the personal impression an individual gift can make.

The holidays aren't quite over just yet, but if the early promise of a successful Christmas is any indication, New Year's promises to be fulfilling and special as well. Merry Christmas everyone!

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