Thursday, December 02, 2004

Spaced Out

Microsoft has jumped in horribly late to the game with their new MSN Spaces. In a desperate move to capitalize on the latest cross-over internet fad, they've made blogging accessible to millions who have no idea what Blogspot or Xanga are. God forbid people actually are able to have minds of their own, their Terms of Use read as such:

For materials you post or otherwise provide to Microsoft related to the MSN Web Sites (a "Submission"), you grant Microsoft permission to (1) use, copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, modify, translate and reformat your Submission, each in connection with the MSN Web Sites, and (2) sublicense these rights, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Microsoft will not pay you for your Submission."

I reserve the right to refuse their service thank you very much.

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