Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Mustard and relish on a Free Will Horoscope:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

My Aquarian and Sagittarian friends are the best laughers I know. By that I mean that they laugh longer and more frequently than most. They also tend to chortle at ironies that others take way too seriously. Best of all, their laughs are works of art: sudden, explosive, wild, and uncanny. I mention this, Virgo, because I believe you're entering a phase when you'll have the potential to mutate into an Aquarian- or Sagittarian-style laugher. Please take full advantage of this hilarious opportunity. Explore the untapped depths of your sense of humor. Give your laughter the chance to grow dramatically in its power to heal both you and everyone who is sprayed with the saliva flung out during your paroxysms of primal amusement.

I don't think I'm this funny...

As opposed to posting stories of the world and how aware we are, I'm going to post light news. It may be fluff, but at least it's fun fluff.

People tend to complain about the lack of any significant ethnic characters on the show Friends. If they do have some lack of whiteness on the show, it tends to be brief, but at least it can be interesting. Leave it to Talk Soup to find the character they need. Or Maybe the 5th Wheel? Oh wait, she's been on both those shows. At least she's not getting cancelled any time soon. Or even getting arrested. Apparently that's a good career move for some people.

I like steak. Well, I'm a meat lover in general, but I've been trying to cut down on my intake of red meat and carbs as they tend to just pile up the pounds. Protein isn't all bad though, and apparently steak houses are seeing a little revival of their own. It would be nice to go to one of those places someday. I can taste the A-1 already. Maybe I can be more manly and drive around an SUV. That tends to be a bit dangerous. Maybe it's more safe to go out and buy some new shoes. Actually, with the way some companies are selling shoes, that may not be so safe anymore.

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