Saturday, April 03, 2004

Saturday morning is usually a time when I'll be eating breakfast, watching tv, and just relaxing before whatever big Event is occurring that particular night. For the past few weekends though it's been "Go go go!" both socially and professionally. Although harrowing, and sometimes stressful, it's become strangely enjoyable. Perhaps I'm learning to love being an engineer on some weird level? We shall see.

One thing that I have learned, however, is that I still enjoy being creative, or at least creating. Being in such a left-brained environment, the right has become starved and maybe a little emaciated, so it is with much pleasure that I've been trying to take time and write, perhaps draw, and sometimes I even get the yearning to pick up my saxophone again, if you can believe that. It's an awesome realization, in the sense that there's still a lot left that I have to learn creatively, and I think aside from the left-brain overload, it's the thirst for that knowledge that drives me. Don't be surprised if you see me picking up the sketch book more often, or hammering away at the computer trying to nail down an idea or two. And most of all, try and find something you like to create within your life.

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