Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Astrological Opinions

Haven't done one of these in a while:
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The astrological omens are pretty odd right now. They seem to be suggesting that your luck will be good and you'll be in maximum alignment with the cosmic rhythms if you watch a lot of daytime TV, eat heaps of junk food, get no more than four hours of sleep a night, and argue with yourself loudly in public. Just kidding, Virgo. I was merely testing to see whether you've become overly gullible toward so-called authorities like me. The truth is that you should free yourself from influences that presume to tell you what to do. Get their voices completely out of your head so you can clearly hear the still, small voice of your fiercely tender intuition.
While I usually like to think for myself, sometimes I do feel that I'm influenced by outside sources such as TV or magazines to tell me what to read or what to watch. I don't think it's something I do consciously, but something that could be slightly subliminal. I mean, have you been watching a commercial at certain times and said to yourself, "Pizza, mmmmmm." I'm sure it's happened at least once. Perhaps for the time being, I'll focus on doing what I like best and draw a little more. I've been slacking off lately, so it's time to try and come up with something new.

Draw, draw, draw.

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