Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Actual art post today! Can you believe it? I barely can. Anyhow, today we're talking about two brothers with a famous legacy in the business. Adam and Andy Kubert are not only two of the more successful artists drawing today, they also happen to be sons of the legendary Joe Kubert. Not just a pioneer in the business who's been working since the Silver Age, Joe Kubert has also founded the Joe Kubert School Of Cartoon And Graphic Art. Needless to say, it must get results, or talent runs in the family because Adam and Andy are quite accomplished. Both possess their father's touch for adding that dynamic flair to their art, but they are very unique in their styles. Adam's art seems to reflect a darker tone, more gritty than clean, but slick at the same time. Andy's art on the other hand is a classic example of dynamic figure drawing. Dramatic poses and panel layouts accentuate his talent for page design, and the readability of his art never comes into question. Both have worked on Marvel's best-selling comic X-Men and both have also had their turns on other classic characters including The Incredible Hulk and Captain America. Their long-running work on all of these titles is a testament to their work ethic, professionalism, and raw talent.

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