Wednesday, April 16, 2003

I offer you all my Free Will Horoscope:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
"What if you stumbled on a person living in the dark, starved, chained, drugged and poisoned?" asks futurist Jay Gary. "You'd turn on the light, unlock his chains and nourish him back to health. That poor soul is the human imagination—yours and mine." I agree with Gary's assessment. Our imaginations are in bad shape, numbed by the media's nonstop onslaught of fear-provoking, spin-doctored, soul-killing "information." The situation is tragic. Imagination is not just a playful capacity we call on when we're making art, after all. It's our ability to form mental pictures of things that don't exist yet; it's what we use to shape our future. But here's some good news, Virgo: You now have special power to rehabilitate and reinvigorate your imagination. Get in there and turn on the light, unlock the chains, and nourish it back to health.

Being imaginative is a good thing. Especially for someone like me, being an engineer and all.

So nowadays our values are a little muddled. We can't even trust our closest allies at the moment, our local teenagers, or even our shoe companies. Maybe we need to turnj to

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