Wednesday, May 14, 2003

An actual complete update even with a Free Will Horoscope:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
I predict you will have a lavish amount of composure. It won't be tainted by arrogance or feelings of superiority, either. And it won't be fueled by a need to prove anything to anyone. Rather, your poise will flow from your strong new link to your soul's code—the life blueprint you decided on before you were born. One more thing: While you will be calm, you won't be passive or laid-back. This will be an electrifying variety of relaxation.

The code of my soul, sort of like living in the Matrix? We'll find out tomorrow now won't we?

In the news recently, we've seen some plenty interesting action. While the NBA playoffs rage on, we have several stars who are currently uninvolved trying to do something for their comminuty. Most notably, Yao Ming wants to assist his homeland with a public service announcement regarding the SARS epidemic. Very key since Yao happens to be one of the foremost recognizeable Chinese figures and is quite influential in his home country. He's also getting assistance from other NBA'ers, so it will be interesting to see if there is any effect.

Some people would believe that freeways are our enemy. Others believe that in a sense, freeways are art. I tend to agree with the former. I hate freeways. I hate the daily commute and the type of horrible drivers I experience everyday. I hate the stupid little Fast And The Furious wannabes who try to roll me whenever I get near them. A pain I say, a pain.

Do you like Pearl Jam? Maybe you're all sick of the grunge era, but they're one of the few bands still left over, and also have a quite a large fan following. I tend to believe they're some of the most opinionated and talented musicians alive today. You may disagree on the talent, but they are definitely opinionated. None moreso than their lead singer, Eddie Vedder.

You thought that the Spider-man movie was all fun and games, eh? Well, just like any other Big Hollywood Property, it has its fair share of politics. First we had Marvel suing Sony, and then Sony countersues Marvel. Now we have the story of how star, Toby Maguire, tried to flex his star muscle and lost out. Personally, I can't see anyone else being Peter Parker. Jake Gyllenhal? Please.

As always, Time Magazine has the lion's share of attention. If you want to read their Matrix Reloaded plot summary, check it out, but I'm not linking to it. Other than that, they have stories about lies and more lying. All I have to say is, be sincere and honest people. Maybe you'll get somewhere without consequence.

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