Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Linky Dinky Doo

It's been a while since I've posted some worthwhile links on the site in a while, so I felt it would be appropriate to do so since I've found some neat stuff lately.


This guy does some amazing origami. I mean, I used to fold a lot when I was in high school and younger, but this is just crazy. I imagine if I could read the Japanese, there'd be a lot of insight as to how each piece was created, but unfortunately, I didn't get that far into katakana.


Who says sculpture is all about Michelangelo's David? Here's some really neat representations of robotic proportions. Wow.


There was a machine design class that I took at school that I really enjoyed. We learned how to design linkages and cam systems as basic machines, and worked our way up to designing assemblies that could do some pretty amazing stuff. What's neat is I can see some of the same stuff working at Flying Pig. Too bad you have to pay for their paper models.


If you've seen this already, I wouldn't blame you. Download Super Mario War now, or probably more appropriately, at home. You will not be disappointed.


Last, and not least, I like pie.