Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Why Fie?

WiFi is everywhere. Most of us are lucky enough to have sort of ISP helping us connect. We pay our bills, we set up our networks, we buy the equipment, and we surf at our liesure. Thing is, we don't necessarily need to be the ones buying the connection. Many of my friends like to 'snoop' and see if there are any 'open' networks out there to exploit. Now I'm not talking about going onto someone else's computer and reading their e-mail, I'm talking about using their wireless connection to surf the web. Myself, I've taken a few steps to avoid people stealing my precious bandwidth. Completely necessary nowadays since there are so many security concerns, and even more necessary because I'm paying for it.

There are many hot spots where one can get free WiFi: Starbucks, the library, work, anywhere practically. There's even blogs devoted to letting others know where you can find these hot spots, a most useful one at that, really. Now, cities are getting in on the act, and as a public service will begin to supply their citizens with city-wide internet. Amsterdam being one, and our own Hermosa Beach being another to take the plunge. It's a great idea in concept, but I'm a little skeptical right now as to how good the connection will be, given that so many people will be using it at one time. At 6mbps though, it has to be serviceable. Here's to hoping that more cities will follow suit and make internet more of a utility.

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