Thursday, September 02, 2004

Diss Miss

Lo and behold, the criminal case against Kobe Bryant has been dismissed. Pretty big news over here in Laker-land as this bodes well for the team's future. However, one has to ask, why would the prosecution and accuser let this case drag on for so long if they couldn't follow through with it in the first place? Why would the District Attorney's office of Colorado waste the taxpayer's money if they knew their case was so weak? One has to infer that either the accuser knew she would be getting big bucks out of it in the end, or it could be argued that the prosecution wasn't expecting much of a fight from the defense in the first place. The reigning opinion right now though, is that there is a huge settlement over the horizon.

Now although I'm sure Mr. Bryant is very, very happy about this, it remains to be seen how this will effect the upcoming season, the team, and Mr. Bryant's play in general. Myself, I'm relieved since the Lakers are basically a lottery team without Kobe, but the question will always remain: did he really do it? There was evidence pointing in both directions, of course, but is paying a large settlement in the end an admission of guilt? Is there a lot to be gleaned from the legalese-heavy statement from Mr. Bryant? The only people who will really know are the accuser and the accused, but for right now, one can only speculate.

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