Wednesday, September 29, 2004

An Artist's Predicament

A month or so ago, I mentioned a stellar artist who's work I admire immensely, Stuart Immonen. His style has evolved over the last year or so, from a high-contrast mega-black shadow style, to a cleaner, open-lined style that reads very very well. Being a successful comic book artist, Mr. Immonen has had the pleasure, or at times, the displeasure, to create sketches for fans at comic book conventions. Being the incredibly particular bunch genre fans tend to be, sketches can simply not be enough to satiate their hunger. No doubt, this can lead to frustrations.

To illustrate this, (no pun intended), Mr. Immonen compiled a list of 50 Reasons to Stop Doing Convention Sketches. Although hard to deal with, fans can be demanding of an artist who's already taxed. I really love the fluidity of these strips first of all, but most of all, I love how you can see the persona of the strip tries so hard to please those who drive his popularity. At the same time I'm laughing, I can only imagine the stress he has to go through when traveling to promote his work.

Kudos to Mr. Immonen for being passionate and sincere with his artwork. Even more kudos for all the work he's accomplished lately as well. Check out his work wherever you can find it and support this guy.

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