Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Nobody's Fault but My Own

Beck once again was a great show. One could definitely tell that he was feeling well in place in his hometown because he really seemed to let loose moreso than in shows past.

Highlights included a stirring rendition of "Nobody's Fault but My Own," a glorified acoustic version of his seminal R&B send-up "Debra," and tight performances from his latest album Guero. Although it was a great show, the encore was a little disjointed as he broke open two songs from his Midnite Vultures venture. Before striking a chord, he invited anyone who could make it up onstage. It's one thing when you come to a concert, you expect the artist to do something special for the crowd, but I don't know anyone who really wants to watch the crowd onstage instead of the artist. I'm sure they were excited, but it wasn't that special for me.

There were a few technical difficulties, including Beck trying to break down some beats on a drum kit and a banjo rig completely inaudible from the audience. Mr. Hansen handled it like a professional all the way, with the crowd loving every minute of it.

It really was a great show and even made a believer out of Grace, who's never even heard a Beck album in her life. I'm mostly surprised that she said she would even see him in concert again.

Such is the healing power of Beck, bringing people together through the power of honky-tonk-funkadelic-guitar-rock-hip-hop, or whatever.

I've actually been neglecting some reviews of a couple movies I've seen lately, so keep an eye out this week.

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