Thursday, August 04, 2005

Randomness Inserted

I think their should be a new word and it should be "enmusculate." What
do you think, do I go too far?

Anyhow, not much going on this week. There's one more movie review I
imagine I should post at some point, but am too lazy to actually take
care of at the moment. There are a few things I'll touch on though:

March of the Penguins was great. Documentaries can go two ways for me,
either terminally boring or remarkably fascinating. This one was the

I still want to see the King Tut exhibit at LACMA. There's something
about seeing a few thousand year-old dead guy that makes people go

There are so many new Kubricks that I'm afraid to take a picture lest I
realize the folly I've undertaken by continuing the collection. My
obsession knows no bounds.

And... I think I've been to more concerts this year than at any point
in my life. Think of all the money I'd saved if I'd only gone to one.

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