Thursday, August 11, 2005


Now that I know the darn thing works, I can actually try and be more consistent in the coming weeks. Especially since the transfer is instantaneous, I should make more of an effort.  Maybe this will be a new era?

Last night, I had the opportunity to take part in my first ever life drawing class.  Having never used charcoal as a serious medium before and having never sat down on a drawing bench, it was severely new.  Surprisingly, it wasn't the least bit unsettling either.  There was the fact that the model probably wasn't what I expected, but why should I care when the class costs less than what I would be paying at a particular high-class art college.

Usually, there are certain questions when people ask me about drawing in the first place.  Two of the most common happen to be either, "Where did you learn to draw like that?" or "Have you taken any art classes before?"  Sometimes, I can be proud of the fact that I learned everything I know on my own (which can often be painfully obvious) and that I've never taken a single professional class in my life.  Other times, these questions make me think, "You know what, I should have taken more classes."

Having taken this class last night and having started to draw more from life in general, I've concluded that it's a valuable tool any person aspiring to draw anything would benefit from.  There are certain websites I've visited where the piece of advice always given is "draw more from life," and I think taking that advice to heart has been key to my own ability.  There's nothing more helpful than constructive criticism when trying to complete something creative.  Although I'm not very happy to hear criticism in general, it's usually tough love and necessary.

There's a few artistic and personal ideas milling around the thinking cap at the moment.  They may or may not appear in this space within the coming weeks, so keep the eyes peeled.


Amy said...

Peeling my eyes. :) I read this blog (am I "hardly anyone?)... and for my constructive criticism of the day, I liked your old font better. This one is too small. :) And I agree on the line breaks. Nice fix.

Mark said...

Fixed it. I'll have to monkey with the mobile post format a bit more, and monkey with the template in general. Bleh.