Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Day Nuptials

Labor Day.

Three-day weekends seem to be few and far between since most of our floating vacations are smashed together during the holiday season (which is in itself, awesome), so whenever we do get the chance, it's nice to use them to their fullest extent. Having already been invited to a wedding for that Saturday afternoon and evening, and since it was up north, we managed to make a vacation out of it.

Firstly, the wedding.

I want to give a nice congratulations out to the happy couple on the occasion of their matrimony. Like most weddings, it was beautiful and emotional. We, of course, dined on a great Chinese dinner with so many trimmings, we had to be rolled out in wheelbarrows. The thing that I enjoy about weddings besides the celebration itself, is reconnecting with old friends and maybe even relatives. As evidenced by my sister's wedding, it can be stressful at times, but more than anything, it's way too much fun.

We were treated to a candy bar, which was empty in no time, and even some mood lighting when the Sunnyvale area was hit by a region-wide blackout. Everyone took it in stride, however, and we socialized a bit more given the extra down time.

Still, with all the excitement, we were able to squeeze in yet another trip to the City the following day...

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