Thursday, October 19, 2006

Blither Me This

Not that I've been neglecting the postly duties, but more that I've just had not as much to share of late.  There was the phenomenal Cheshire show and of course, the new dog, but everything has been very even keel since I popped the big Q.  Funny how that works, it's the only question that can be referred to as "the question."  Kind of like "the pill," in its vaguely named certainty, it's quite a big deal.  I'm not here to talk about that, though, so we move along.

What's on my mind these days is the usual lack of productivity in the art department.  What I've been doing is just taking it very, very, verrrrry slow in developing a new direction and tact.  Some of this comes from some very useful advice from one of the Flight artists, Rad, and some of it is also from my own disappointment with my skill level after who knows how long.  Funny thing is, it's the perfectionist in me that drives me to try and improve, but it's also the perfectionist in me that drives me to be disappointed and depressed.

But I don't choose to let it get me down forever.  Most of the time, lapses in self-confidence are followed by a great increase in inspiration.  While inspiration has been plentiful of late, motivation has always been dampened by the great procrastination tool itself: the television.

In essence, I blame the TiVo for artistic recession.  But my love affair with our DVR really isn't so much love-hate as you'd think given the fact that Television-watching really is a passive activity.  Given the recent spate of quality shows, however, it's much more interactive than I remember it, plus if you're studying/drawing/writing while the tube is on, most likely you'll be missing something important.

So anyhow, I'm going to clear myself a little space on the table and re-commit to that chestnut of chestnuts, the improvement and exploitation of a hobby.

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