Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Hallowe'en!

An old habit of mine I used for this day was to sit through each weekend in October and watch a scary movie.  Here are a few favorites (in no particular order):

The Omen - Even though it's a bit dated and some of it can be considered layers of cheese, it still holds one of the creepiest premises for it's main antagonist that I won't even get into.

The Ring - I watched this one through my hands for the last videotaped sequence.  The Japanese version, while less overt, does stand up to the high standards of American audiences with the addition of a more creature-esque take.

Audition - You could argue that this film isn't strictly a horror flick, but the god-awful realization of "What's in the bag" will have you looking for something to bleach your eyes with.

Seven - Still one of my favorites.  You've never seen Brad Pitt more vulnerable or Kevin Spacey more sociopathic.  It takes a strong stomach to fathom each deadly sin, but the payoff really is the ending.

Rosemary's Baby - Again, a classic marred by it's age.  The descent of Mia Farrow into madness over the true nature of her offspring alone stands as one of the greater performances in a film about the supernatural.

The Thing - One lonely group in the Antarctic wilderness makes for claustrophobia, but it's their fight against the unknown that plays on your fears. 

The Shining - All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.  The book is a bit scarier, in my opinion.  Kubrick, however, makes this film drip red rum.

Alien - The original is still the best.  An industrial space cruiser assaulted by one single terrifying beast gets better once they all get picked off, one by one.

Carrie - This freaked me out when I was much younger.  Telekinesis sounds cool in comic books, but what happens when when you anger the most powerful person in the room?

An added bonus, here's a list of some tracks that make for a halfway decent Halloween playlist.  Not that the songs are scary themselves, they're just memorable enough for the subject matter.

Beck - Strange Apparition
Gnarls Barkley - Monster in My Closet
Outkast - Dracula's Wedding
AFI - Ms. Murder
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Warlocks
Primus - Too Many Puppies
XTC - Scissorman
The Mars Volta - Miranda That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore
Gorillaz - Last Living Souls
Radiohead - A Wolf at the Door

1 comment:

Green Jellybean said...

Well as for the movie list, you can bet that Seven is probably my number one ranked (for absoutely no reason whatsoever)...well, that and the Shining. Jesus Christ, have you ever tried to watch that by yourself.

If you haven't...don't!!!!