Wednesday, November 06, 2002

It's that time of the week again, time for a Free Will Horoscope:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
This week's counsel is extreme. Don't read another word, Virgo, unless you feel ready to carry out a task that will require you to be daringly rebellious and brazenly optimistic. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you're being asked to revise your attitudes, change your habits, alter your behavior, or do whatever else it may take to arrive at a radical new way of looking at your life: You must be able to sincerely believe that the cosmos or fate or God—whatever you want to call the Vastness—is on your side and wants you to succeed at the thing you enjoy most. Here's a big hint about one way to proceed, courtesy of author Paulo Coelho: "Know what you want and all the universe conspires to help you achieve it."

You know, it's things like these that make me wonder if I should follow a dream, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Don't be surprised if I'm out of the country next year if this is the case.

We were all waiting to hear the verdict, and it didn't come out any less confusing. Winona Ryder's innocent/guilty?

Would you look at that? Apparently, a cancer vaccine has been discovered. Cool.

Remember that episode of South Park where Stan's dog is found to be gay? Apparently there may be a reason for it, and that reason also applies to humans.

For all of you who didn't vote yesterday, here are the results. Whether you're happy about it, or want to flee the country, these next 2 years should be interesting, to say the least.

Bill Gates has too much money. Actually, he has so much money because he's willing to take some huge risks. This just happens to be another one of those risks. Looks interesting, but how successful will it really be>

I saw 24 for the first time yesterday. I must say I was incredibly impressed with it. Not only that, but I was really impressed by Kiefer Sutherland. That guy is one bad-ass mofo.

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