Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Someone who I'm shocked I haven't mentioned is Bill Watterson. Mr. Watterson is the man responsible for the indispensible "Calvin and Hobbes." Irreverent, imaginative, and containing a skewed innocence, this strip is a modern classic, and even moreso since the strip ceased to be published. Its legacy is still apparent not only through the obiligatory collection of strips, but also through the thousands of stickers you may see plastered on the rear windows of cars everywhere. A sad testament as Mr. Watterson would never let his property be licensed and commercialized as he thought it would cheapen his work. I agree, seeing that these stickers are an odious portrayal of what Mr. Watterson attempted to achieve. Calvin and Hobbes was about the overactive imagination of a young boy and his daily escapades with his stuffed tiger. This description only scratches the surface of the biting modern philosophies expunged by the two main characters. Very appropriate since they were named after philosophers themselves. Many memorable characters were birthed within the panels of the strip and its a shame it does not continue any longer. May we hopefully see more work from Mr. Watterson soon.

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