Monday, December 13, 2004

Welcome to the Kub

Follow up to my last post: I've registered for my class at fabulous Otis and will be in the beginning stages of designing toys come February. As with my last class, I hope this one will be fulfilling in the right-brained aspect of my life that I've been missing during my everyday job. One can only take so much left-brained madness before succumbing to computer-induced coma.


Here's a couple of random notes while I'm at it. If you wax nostalgic for your old NES, you can now listen to the musical stylings of a Japanese band who've created the mad fantasy of the 8-bit instrument.

If that doesn't fit your fancy, then perhaps the age-old idea of walking a labyrinth will. Unlike a maze, the labyrinth functions more as a meditative device than a conundrum of locational proportions. Might I add that a reputable northern California institution has just acquired one for use. It has many uses they say, but I still find the actual application somewhat fascinating.

Hm, 8-bit music vs. ages old contemplating device, how in the world do these relate to each other?

They don't! Have a good week!

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