Thursday, January 06, 2005

Some Things You May Not Know

One of my friends sent me a survey e-mail. As a rule, I usually dispense with sending out the mass forward and just reply. This is what I sent:

1. What time is it:? 9:21 AM

2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Mark Edward Navarrete

3. Nickname(s): Um... My parents call me 'bud' for reasons only known by myself and them. I sometimes get Marky Mark or Marco, but that's very rare.

4. Piercing: My shrieking scream when trying to sing.

5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theatre?: The Aviator

6. Place of birth: Long Beach, CA. LBC, baby.

7. Favourite foods: Mexican food. Also ice cream, and probably hamburgers. Mexican above all else though, you can't get enough of it in SoCal.

8. Ever been to Africa: Someday, I hope.

9. Ever been toilet papering: Yup, a couple of times. Once, the people who's house we were TP'ing called the cops on us.

10. Love someone so much it made you cry: Yea...

11. Been in a car accident: Three in one year, egads. I have them to thank for the S2000 though. Damn hit and run.

12. Croutons or bacon bits: I love both in salads, but given a choice, I'd have to go with croutons.

13. Favourite day of the week: Sunday, lazy Sunday.

14. Favourite restaurant: Houston's always has great food, but I have to say that 555 East in Long Beach is awesome enough to be at the top, but too expensive to go regularly.

16. Favourite sport to watch: Basketball or hockey.

17. Favourite drink: Orange Juice. I need my vitamin C.

18. Favourite ice cream: Oatmeal Cookie Chunk is a tremendous flavor, but I have to go with Chunky Monkey.

19. Disney or Warner Brothers: Hrm.... That's a toughie. I'd have to go with Ren and Stimpy on that one. John K. cannot be beat.

20. Bedtime: 11 PM+, unless I'm super tired.

21. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? No one, because no one else is getting it...

22. Who is the person you sent this to, that is least likely to
respond? Same as above.

23. Who are you most curious about their responses to this
questionnaire? See 21 and 22.

24. Favourite TV Shows: Top three are Alias, Scrubs, and Lost. 24 is up there somewhere too.

25. Who are the last people you went out for dinner with: Some friends of mine in Canada for New Year's.

26. Ford or Chevy? American cars break down, but I'd have to go with Ford for the fact I owned a classic '66 Mustang at one point in my life.

27. What are you listening to right now: Recently, I've been addicted to the latest Interpol, but have picked up Q and Not U. A very eccentric and different album, not for the meek.

28. What is your Favourite Colour: Red.

29. Lake, Ocean or River: Living by the beach, one can not deny the awesome power and beauty of a clean, blue ocean.

30. How many tattoos do you have: Zero, I'll be Ink-free for the rest of my life.

31. Time you finished this e-mail: 9:30, on the dot.

32. Which came first the chicken or the egg: Egg, for various evolutionary reasons.

33. How many people are you sending this email to: 1, and those who read the blog, I imagine.

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