Thursday, December 22, 2005

Pondering the Ponderosa Possibilities

As the final dregs of 2005 begin to meander out the door, I am thankful that I have been able to spend some time with the people that mean the most to me as much as I have.  Knowing that we are all able to at least take the time out of our lives to say "hello," to make that extra phone call, or to take time out of our busy schedules to touch base with one another.  Often, it's sad when you lose touch with some of your older acquaintances.  At least I tend to think so, but when you actually do run into and catch up with someone you haven't seen in a long time, you remember why they were your friend in the first place.  Especially if you end up hanging out like nothing in your lives has changed one bit.

There are times I sit and wonder whatever happened to a few friends of mine, or even take it personally when I haven't heard from someone in ages.  I like to think that I've gotten over my self-importance enough to understand there's nothing personal about it.  People change, circumstances change, and one cannot possibly know all the reasons a person has for being as flaky, as unresponsive, or as aloof as they are.  Maybe I forgive too easily and let that sort of thing slide too often, but is that what a real friend would do?

Normally I'd be blogging more about the coming holiday and all, but it's been said and done and all we really need is a vacation.  I can't wait for mine, so I hope it's a very relaxing and long holiday away from the rumble and grimness of the rat-race.  I want to get a lot accomplished before the work starts up again, before that 5:30 morning wake-up call, and before I run out of any creative thoughts in my brain. 

Something to think about, a comics class at Otis, the revamp of the website, and perhaps even a few more finished promised illustrations.   Good day to you...


Amy said...

Someone told me yesterday that they thought I was too forgiving. I think it's just friendship and understanding. Unconditional love. :)

Mark said...

That's much better than unrequieted love. You know who you can count on to always be there for you though?

A dog!

*Cue collective "AWWWWWWW"*