Monday, June 05, 2006

Pick Your Tiki

Are Polynesian drinks really meant to be this strong?  I read somewhere that it is a rule that no man should drink anything with a tropical umbrella in the glass, but since when is a man not allowed to drink something much stronger than your standard well drink with soda?  I tell you, I had a couple of the most powerful concoctions I've ever had this weekend at a couple most tropical locations.  They may be a bit on the small side, bar-wise, but they packed a punch, nay, a wallop.

A very storied establishment, Bahooka is deemed a family restaurant on the sign outside, and it does play the part quite well.  The tropical decor inside, punctuated by the wall-to-wall aquariums, surround a small bar behind which I could imagine a bubbling cauldron surrounded by cackling bartenders.  There are two famous drinks there apparently, one being the Hand Grenade - a punch-flavored mixture highlighted with a very, very special secret ingredient - and the intense highlight of the Honey Bowl.  The first of these is tasty indeed, but no man should leave the restaurant without sampling the flaming centerpiece of the Honey Bowl.  It would be wise, however, to note that this Bowl should be shared by a few of your closest friends. Either that, or they'll be trucking you out of the restaurant in a wheelbarrow.

The second, and perhaps more famous, is the Los Angeles landmark, the Tiki Ti.  Having been wanting to take in the two-drink maximum for some time, it was high time I made it for some spirits.  What they have there is more than just drinks, this is almost industrial in its level of enjoyment. Very much on the small side, they serve up a few specialty tastes for everyone there.  Having already taken in enough beforehand, the one item from the menu I managed to order was a sharp smack across the face.  It wasn't just the drink talking, but the vibe there was so relaxing that I enjoyed it immensely.

Bottom line, if you're going to go tiki hunting anytime soon for some tropical liquids, these are the two best I've ever been experienced.  Are there more in the fair city of Angels?  Hard to say, but I can stick by these two with a hearty recommendation. 


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm...I'm just going to ignore that you didn't mention WHY you happened to end up at these establishments this weekend (queue the violins, please) it sounds like you had a good time.

What information I DO have is this:
1) Next time you happen to end up in Orange County (hmmm, possibly this weekend...Sunday to be exact), you should check out the Royal Hawaiian. It's located right off of PCH and some street that I can't remember right now. Anyhow, it's right across from the Cottage (an estblishment you might remember from your childhood breakfasts) and it's undergoing some renovation since it's changed ownership. The only drink to get there is the Lapu Lapu, which-ABSOLUTELY NO KIDDING, you can only have either a full if you're not driving or a half if you are. It's delicious, coconut-y and very potent. Although it's surroundings leave a lot to be desired (there is a giant lack of old twine-covered glass buoys and pufferfish since it's being redecorated), the drinks are DEELISH and the food's not too bad either. Try the tenderloin skewers and brochette and try to take a short walk before you head back to LA

2) Long time establishment and Beverly Hills landmark-Trader Vic's. There is not enough I can say about this place and it's f'ing CLOSING, so you bet your a** you need to get thee to the Beverly Hills Hilton. I must preface this with a fair warning on the prices; however, everything is SO well worth it. First, the ambience. Now, I can't speak for everyone, but the super dark bar and restaraunt itself on top of the majorly polynesion decor had me at hello (ew). All of the bartenders have been working there since the late 1960's and early 70's and make a good drink and make it with a smile. I would suggest the Mehehunai juice (i totally spelled that very incorrectly) and of course the Mai Tai. Absolutely delicious and if you order the right drink, you get to take home a little keepsake. The food is awesome-pan aisian and the lobster is phenomenal. Seriously, I cannot stress enough how you REALLY need to go before they shut it down.

Now that I've wasted a whole lot of space that I probably could have used as my own blog, I'm off to bed.

Mark said...

Crap! Now I have to add more places to my list...