Monday, June 23, 2003

Moon Day yet again, and it's my last full week of work at before taking off to what my boss calls "Engineering Heaven." Really excited about the change. I feel like I've accomplished what I set out to do here, which is learn a ton about being an engineering professional, but I've also learned what it means to be a professional in general. Working with people is fun, but it can also be a royal pain.

It was a banner weekend. I'm not just saying that because we saw Hulk on Friday either. I actually escaped the confines of Los Angeles county and took an ultra-short boat ride to the misty island of Catalina. I hadn't been there for YEARS, so it was great to be there again. Campsite was spectacular, and the hike was relaxing, if not long. It was good to just shut down my brain for a couple of days before going back to the weekly grind. Too bad the sun decided to pick this weekend to be bashful.

Back to Hulk. My initial impression was to go in with no expectations at all, so as not to be disappointed. I have this much to say: I wasn't disappointed. The first half lagged a bit, mired in simple dialogue and lacking in any sort of excitement. It did a good job establishing characters and relationships, but didn't do much to keep people from checking their watches. The second half more than made up for it with a seething fireball of enraged action. It may have contained some glaring plot contrivances, but I enjoyed the experience. Strange contradiction, but wholly true. See it if you're curious, but decide for yourself what to think of its merits.