Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Take your Free Will Horoscope around the track a couple of times:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

If an astrologer from the old school were writing this horoscope, he might tell you that now is an excellent time to advance your ambitions through gossipy manipulation. But since you and I are in the business of creating a new civilization based on values that feed the soul, my take on your imminent future is different. I say it's a perfect moment to engage in uplifting gossip that serves the greater good. I suggest that you praise unsung heroes and name everything that's working well. The irony is that for people like us, dissing people always hurts our ambitions. One of the best ways to enhance our own possibilities is to use our power of speech to promote others' chances for happiness and success.

Spread gossip for the good of humanity, sounds like a great idea. Now we should just find a few things good to say about people. Not too hard.

Lots of interesting stuff going on in the past week. I like only having to post news one day a week. More time to work on stuff and less time goofing off. It also makes the interesting content seem more exclusive since it only comes around once a week. Take this article for instance. Could have posted it on Monday, but then what would you have to look forward to on Wednesday?

Do you like Rock music? I'm not talking about the kinda music that you listen to when you're all pissed off with no one to shout at, I'm talking about rock music that seems relevant. More specifically, I'm talking about the band Radiohead. If you haven't heard of them, you better get out from under your rock in that cave. I mention them this week because they've just released their latest and greatest onto our shores from theirs, gracing us with some interesting musical stylings. Check out what they have to say for themselves. Or you can see what they have to say here as well. I'll post a short review sometime later.

Speaking of music, we have the flip-side of things, music that's just meant for fun. The most prominent example recently has been Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake. What makes them so prominent is not the fact that their albums have sold like hotcakes, but the fact that they have the gall to go on tour together. Rake in the dough while you're young. Sounds good to me.

Sorry to end on such a somber note, but it's no secret that Japan has the highest rates of suicide in the world. Many could blame it on an emotionally repressed society, or on technological isolation. Even so, that same technology that isolates also brings them together, but not how one might think. Unfortunately, it's fast becoming the new outlet for suicide, so says a recent disturbing chain of events. Frightening to imagine people going to such lengths.

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