Temple Park
Originally uploaded by kardinalsin.
Finally, all the photos have been uploaded to a safe location. Too bad I didn't get any shots of the mountain or of any of us in our boarding gear, but with all the snow and with my propensity for falling all over the place hauling the darn thing was probably a bad idea. Enough of that, on with the story.
Our interestingly annual snowboarding trip over the New Year's weekend was spent this year in the heavenly snow of Park City, UT. We heard it was one of the best. We heard it was on many a list of top ski resorts in the nation. We heard it was a sight to be seen.
Everything we heard was true.
Before we took in the obviously phenomenal conditions and cushy resort accommodations, we spent New Year's Eve taking in what sights we could see in Salt Lake City. Aside from a sumptuous dinner and clean sidewalked streets, we walked about the exterior of the massive downtown Mormon Temple. As none of us are actually LDS, we weren't able to see the interior, but the exterior itself was rather impressive.
After a rather questionable taxi ride, our second day was spent on the slopes. I'll say this about my time on the mountain: although I took a couple of nasty spills, I was more comfortable after each hour we spent up top. That's all one can really ask for I suppose.
What I take away mostly from this trip is the fact that I had a really good time. It was relaxing and satisfying moreso than some of the other resorts we've been to and I finally feel comfortable enough that borrowing a board and renting a board may soon be a memory. Who knows, maybe I'll get a new pair of socks to go along with that board...
What I can also say about the vacation is how lucky we've been to be able to travel so much in the last year and additionally, how much I enjoy traveling. I'm hoping this year will bring more of the same: boarding and traveling.
Once again, Happy New Year to everyone! Anyone have good resolutions?
1 comment:
It's all about the camo socks. :) Those are two of my favourite activities too... Chamonix 2006! :)
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