Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hewlett for Prez!

Gorillaz Vinylz
Originally uploaded by kardinalsin.
Item of note for today: Gorillaz co-creator Jamie Hewlett" has been nominated for Designer of the Year in Britain. His competition being a furniture designer and an architect, I'd imagine his chances are slim since many illustrators and comic book artists are seen as plebian. I for one however, applaud this decision as long overdue.

Mr. Hewlett himself has been a prominent figure in the English comics scene ever since his first foray Tank Girl hit the scene in the 90's. Anarchic and subversive (is that redundant?), the comic itself achieved notariety when made into a film that was decidedly subpar. What else can one expect from a comic book film of that era though? What's important to note though, is that as a sequential artist one must design and draw every little detail that's important: scenery, characters, and props. Maybe this is what excites me about the form itself. The complete control over the visual medium is fascinating and this is why I believe Mr. Hewlett has the experience enough to win this award.

To describe his work, I'd use the words urban, striking, unsettling, vivacious, and even sculptural. That's just me though. Good luck to him and congratulations.


Amy said...

How cool. How does one qualify and who gets to vote on these things?

Mark said...

Methinks it's a private award handed out by the British press. So exclusive one has to be British to qualify and one has to be British to vote.

Not sure who gets to vote, but I hope he wins. His fellow nominees are very tough competition, though.