Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Lost Wages, 2006

Samsung 102"
Originally uploaded by kardinalsin.
The annual trip to CES this year was uncelebrated, routine, and somewhat rushed. Leaving late on a Friday will do that to you I imagine. Driving around Vegas aimlessly will do that to a person as well. With only a few of us registered to attend this year, we were left with either the choice of ditching a couple of our friends for the requisite ogling of electronica galore or saving it for the last day. Being the polite people that we are, we saved it all for the last day. Unfortunately, this also meant that we were left with a measly two hours to browse the major and minor booths at the show, hitting what was usually the highlight of our trip.

Highlights? Well, I for one enjoyed seeing the new Microsoft OS called Vista and the pictured 102" plasma screen television, but I would have liked to have seen more of the presentations from Google, TiVo, and Creative. I guess that's what happens when things are a bit rushed.

Here's the portion of my post where I digress. Being the type of organizer that I am (which isn't saying much to begin with), I tend to like a little more structure to outings such as this. Although there is something to be said about spontaneity, there's also something to be said about driving around the strip for two hours straight wondering where the heck one is going to eat, what one is going to see, and when no one else is willing to volunteer any ideas, things can get pretty frustrating. Compounding this is when the cards aren't falling your way. So much for relaxing, but whoever said that's what Vegas was about?

Despite all that, the trip was pretty fun. Spent some time at the Palms, the Hard Rock, Mandalay Bay, and the Wynn. I'm definitely going back soon. Next time, I'll be more than sure that there's a solid plan to go along with the trip.

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