Monday, April 24, 2006

Dog on Staff

My Dog Has a Job
Originally uploaded by kardinalsin.
My dog officially has a job. Acting as staff for the local high school, Frankie helps students with their schedules or any inter-class conflicts that may arise. He's only been working there for a few months so far, so it remains to be seen if his work ethic of sleeping and eating daily will pan out.

You know, I never realized until looking at this picture how old that dog is. All that gray around his muzzle really makes him an aged canine. Sad as it is to see that he has a hard time responding to a person when they call his name, it's heartening to know that he can still run around and be excited when new people come home for the first time. He's about 13 years old already, that's about... 91 dog years. No arthritis, but allergies aplenty, he's a good dog. One day I hope to have one of my own.

It's too bad the apartment doesn't allow it. Someday...

1 comment:

Amy said...

frankie has a job!! how exciting... he's a cute pug. the only cute pug i know. :) beat up your landlord & make him allow you to have a dog. haha.