Thursday, April 06, 2006

Spin Me A Yarn (Continued)

Part two, dear friends.  More long-winded fantasy for any who will take it upon themselves to read. 

A Tisket A Tasket - Part 2

COP technicians, by trade, were a tight-lipped sort.  Ajax didn't expect furious conversation, but the silence and askance stares from his accompaniment was strikingly awkward.  Surely, it was his newly anointed status as High Magician-elect.  He thought to himself.  They must be quite nervous as it is a high order for technicians to guard someone of my stature on the day of my inauguration. 

A High Magician's inauguration was nothing to sneeze at.  Four days of celebration, followed by a tremendous political spectacle of fantastical stature, it was not unusual for the High Magician to be overwhelmed by the majesty of it all.  Ajax himself was not unfamiliar with the opulence expected of Company bureaucrats.  Golden kobolds supporting the glittering oak sedan chair, Ents trumpeting the fanfare on peculiar brass instruments, and even the presentation of the familiar's gift were incredible upon the first few viewings.  In this case, it would be anything but rote.  Chatter had already promised his gift would never see rival for centuries and the earnest look in the ever-present Hossletassle familiar's eyes bled truth.  Why would it be any less for the most prestigious name in Magic?

Drawing the Hossletassle wand from the wristband within his insleeve, Ajax wound it's thick leathren strap around his forearm securely.  "How much further?"  He intoned calmly.

"Patience."  The technician on his left replied out of the corner of his mouth.  Eyes straight ahead, he was a man of business. 

Ajax fiddled with his wand, practicing his inaugural speech in his head.  Several affirmation spells dancing in his thoughts, the wand darted in several spindling z-formations before settling on an imaginary point in space.  The incantation escaped him for the moment as he marveled at the queue forming up before him.  All of those taking part in the inaugural sacrament did not stop for his presence, as is custom.  The Observatory Hall was lined with wizard and newt each aside the ruby lanterns marking the sacramental processions.  Each lantern was set deep in a bronze column supporting the diamond-tiled ceiling.  Erected at least four centuries previous, the central dome of the observatory housed the great iron throne of the High Magician.  The senate seats of the Company's lesser magicians had been evacuated during the previous weeks' preparation, but Ajax could almost smell the walnut veneer of the tabletops. 

Standing behind a stout magician in a green-feathered cap, Ajax prepared to receive what would be his last ornamentation as a common Magician.  Despite the knowledge he possessed from all those who passed before him, his heart still beat with incredible speed.  Only a scant few of his peers stood between him and that which was rightfully his.  The High Magician's ultimate goal:  Archimedes' Device.

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