Monday, April 03, 2006

God Only Knows

There's this new show on television everyone's been talking about.  It features stilted relationships, quirky situations, and several very memorable, albeit perhaps unrealistic, moments.  No, I'm not talking about Grey's Anatomy, but the new HBO prime time hour long drama, Big Love.

Now, if you haven't heard of it (and I'm sure many have) the selling-point of this series is polygamy.   Well, not that it sells polygamy, but the focus specifically is on that of a man with three wives and the family life they lead.  Being that the subject matter appears questionable at times, there is no doubt that its place on television is that of premium cable.  Bill Paxton stars as the paterfamilias in question and its my belief that no one else could play this role with as much conviction.  After seeing his impassioned turn in A Simple Plan and then most likely his turnaround role in Frailty, there's no doubt he's got chops to treat this material as if he believes in it.  That's what great acting is all about, but this show is more than just acting.

One would think you really know all there is to know just by hearing the premise, but there is much more to the show than just the surface.  All sorts of angles are explored, insiders, outsiders, children's, various sects of theology, and perhaps a few strange conspiracies abound.  There's a Godfather-like figure, a couple of ultra-conservative teenagers, a constantly simmering inter-familial conflict, and Viagra to boot! 

Now, I'm not saying I endorse this sort of thing at all, but if one needs another reason (aside from Curb Your Enthusiasm and the Sopranos) to shell out an extra $10 a month for these channels, Big Love would be it.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Big ups to Bill for letting us catch the show on his DVR. Three more weeks!