Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Seis De Mayo

V is for Vesuvius?
Originally uploaded by kardinalsin.
This year, the annual Cinco de Mayo celebration was once again, shifted to the corresponding Saturday, which made it Seis de Mayo. This makes it easier for everyone involved, of course, since the drive to Hawthorne can't be all that great on a Friday night.

Well, it's also a lot easier for me to have the entire day to cook and prep everything for the party as well.

Anyhow, we took some good pictures of the event while partaking in some good tequila and good conversation. You might think that I'm crazy, for taking the time to make everything, but it only happens once a year and I really enjoy doing it, even if it can be a bit stressful. Lucky me, I had some great friends helping me out as usual.

This year's menu consisted of shredded chicken tomatillo tacos, enchiladas (of the green and red varieties), Mexican barbecue beef, chile verde, rice, beans, and the usual assortments of sals and guacamole. My personal favorite, the enchiladas, came out a little overcooked, but still awesome. Everything else, I'd cooked at least once before to practice, thankfully, and came out much better than I could have predicted. I'm glad that everyone seemed to enjoy it, and am even more glad that it was another great time in la Casa de las Enchiladas.

Good times, next year we'll actually be able to party on the fifth!

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