Monday, August 07, 2006

Be a Pirate

There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Warren Ellis

Apparently, Mr. Ellis has taken up the massive challenge to curate a webcomics collect that shall be known as Rocket Pirate Comics.  Anyone with a million dollar idea and the grand talent for comicking can undertake the challenge and send a submission package in hopes that you, yes you , can be a webcomicker. 

Do I have ideas?  Most definitely.

Do I have any submittable materials?  Not at all.

Therein lies the conundrum of being a pseudo-wannabe artist at the time being.  More apt to crash on the couch, I've been warming up the chops for a few weeks after a brief hiatus, it's time for me to get that blood flowing and scribble on some bristol (or some paper variant thereof).  Why must it be so difficult to be motivated?

Really, it shouldn't be that difficult at all.  We'll see if I have the guts.

1 comment:

bill said...

Do it Mark ... Do it!!!