Monday, August 05, 2002

Monday madness. The weekend was wrapped with a nice mushy tortilla-like substance and smothered in enchilada sauce. Sounds quite tasty to me, but I think others may have found it a bit messy. No matter, news is the task at hand, read and reread to your heart's content.

Go out and see Signs right now, I command you. M. Night Shyamalan once agan crafts a deliberate and methodical film that somehow grabs your attention in this MTV-edited world. Being different is good since his movie grabbed large sums of cash over the weekend. Glad to see it happen, since I really like his unique style of storytelling and his penchant for making old genres seem new. In my opinion, subtlety is the key.

A 61 year-old man was attacked by a cougar and killed it with his pocketknife. For some reason I can picture this guy thinking he's invincible while he's in his hospital bed. But what about that poor cougar's family? I'm sure he just went out for a stroll...

I know at least one of you is going to be interested in this article. Security experts at the Defcon conference in Las Vegas showed attendees how to use a Dreamcast to hack into networks. Finally, the dreamcast is good for something rather than playing outdated fighting games.

Also, the Marriott was sued for carrying hardcore porn on their pay-per-view services. Looks like someone we know won't be staying at the Marriott anytime soon...

Scientists have discovered how cancer spreads throughout the body. Coupled with other recent discoveries, it becomes moer and more apparent that the cure for cancer may be found within our lifetime. Whoever said there are no significant scientific discoveries in our lifetime is not seeing the big picture here.

Finally in an interesting bit, Japanese Manga legend Kia Asamiya will be taking over the art chores on Marvel Comics' "Uncanny X-Men." Here's some small preview art, but read the article for some additional art as well as more in-depth coverage. Kinda cool that we have a crossover between cultures. I wonder if it'll set a precedent for more Eastern artists to try their hand at American comic icons.

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