Monday, August 26, 2002

Monday morning and I've already had a nice addition to the start of the week in the form of a flat tire. Isn't life wonderful? On with some funky chicken finger-lickin' good news.

For all of us "pirates" out there, watch what you download. A virus is spreading through Kazaa in the form of a worm called "Duload." Read about it. In my opinion, our generation is no longer generation X. With broadband connections and ever-expanding hard drives, it's all out piracy. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but just think about the last time most of you bought an actual CD?

Some uplifting news from Latin America. Brazil has decided to create the world's largest rainforest reserve. Although there is some speculation that the land will fall prey to corruption and who knows what else, it's good to see that they're attempting to protect their natural resources not just for themselves, but for the world as well. Smile when you think about that.

Seems like Britney Spears just can't stay out of the news for too long. Along with her recent insistance that she's open to exploring certain "aspects of life," she was gullible enough to fall for a prank call from a local radio show. One of her mistakes was agreeing to sing a duet with Tiger Woods. She's been on the road for waaaaaay too long.

As Ed already asserted, there are a ton of greatly anticipated games coming out for game consoles within the next few months. One of them happens to be Nintendo's "Super Mario Sunshine." So highly anticipated is this game that CNN has decided to run a feature story on the fever surrounding it's release. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to this game either. Not only does it look pretty, but it's sure to be tons of fun.

People are obsessed with themselves. Well, not always, but obsessed with their self-image at least. Weight consciousness is at an all-time high, and Time believes we need to know what makes us fat. Maybe this cover story will shed some light on the subject.

And finally, Time also brings us a special feature on new technology that's good for the environment. Read it and think about the future when you buy your consumables.

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