Monday, August 12, 2002

You ever have one of those weekends that chews you up and then pukes you out on Monday Morning. I feel like I just had such a weekend. Fun, but strenuous and definitley memorable. Hope you all had as much fun as I did. News news news by the way.

In the ongoing battle between the recording industry and all those file-swappers out there, a new development has come about. US lawmakers are lobbying John Ashcroft to turn his attention to peer to peer networks such as Kazaa and Morpheus. Reuters has the story right here.

Some of you may have already seen this, but it's still fascinating how far paranoia in our nation has gone. At John F. Kennedy airport in New York, a woman was forced to drink breast milk to prove she wasn't attempting to transport harmful substances in the air. What's next, making people take off their shoes and belts at the gate? Oh wait...

So affirmative action has effectively been killed throughout the University of California system, now it looks like it may die altogether as a new case looks to settle the dispute on how race determines acceptance to education programs. An applicant to the University of Michigan's Law school was denied entrance, even though she believes her grades and qualifications were more adequate than those of other ethnic backgrounds. Read the story here.

Appears that some people are actually allergic to Disney.

A man hacked the Al Quaida website in fascinating fashion. It seems like a nice slap in the face, but at the same time I'm almost wondering if they should have just kept it a secret so they could try and monitor its activity.

Finally, some new trailers have hit the web, including the full trailer for the upcoming action flick Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever. Cheesy name, but it looks like a classic shoot 'em up spy flick starring Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu. Check it out here.

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