Thursday, August 10, 2006

Tiny Stories

From time to time, I'll get what is seemingly another random email hit to the Trash Heap imploring me to check out their website after having seen mine, I suppose.  Most recently, I got a hit from a seemingly innocent site promoting the concept of " Flash Fiction."  Being curious, and possibly naive, I decided to check it out and get a good idea of what they were selling.  Was it spam?  Was it another bot string looking to hijack the Heap?  What I found was actually intriguing.

It appears as though there are quite a few people dedicated to what you might describe as the "microstory."  Any long follower of this here written space may recognize that I've often flittered about with the random narrative as practice (or maybe even for show?) and have also toyed with the idea of writing in a longer form.  I like to think of it as an exercise in restraint and language, but perhaps it shows how unfocused I may be in the artistic sense.  Stops and starts, these are the easiest bits of prose I can spit from my brain without worrying about unfinished bits and pieces floating about my hard drive.  Maybe Flash Fiction is another outlet to investigate.

After reading the Flash Fiction Wiki, it became apparent that Flash Fiction isn't such an insular phenomenon, it's all over the web.  How could I have been so clueless?  Something tells me that flashfictionnow isn't the only webspace trying to make a name for itself in the world of Flash Fiction as there is Flash Flooding , 1000 words, and even online courses dedicated to teaching the concepts of Microfiction.  I suppose this has a lot to do with the immediacy and the availability of this here Internet and what other place for there to be the association of creativity and freedom?  I may dabble a bit more, it seems, and maybe I'll even submit a piece or two.   

Like I said, this may require further investigation.

1 comment:

bill said...

I'm liking this Flash Fiction. I'm reliving memories of writing quirky haiku's in high school.

I think I'm going to have to bow in on this newest literary competition.