Wednesday, July 17, 2002

News to be had around the world, sorted to suit your interests or disinterists as it were.

They've found cocaine in the bloodstream of the man who was piloting Aaliyah's plane when it crashed. Check out the rest of the story here.

Lance Bass: N'Space

Again, this week's Free Will Horoscope puts a positive spin on something kinda disheartening:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon was once asked why 90 percent of the books in his chosen field were so bad. "Ninety percent of everything is crap," he replied (or, by some accounts, "Ninety percent of everything is crud"). My own estimate of the crud factor is in the 75 percent range, but I do agree that most fields of endeavor and spheres of activity are dominated by mediocrity. That's the bad news, Virgo. The good news is that the rare pockets of excellence are now far more visible to you than usual. They're also more available and usable. And so I say unto you, Pluck and enjoy all the non-crappy treasures.

Maybe I should stop trying to do all those things I suck at. No one ever said being average meant being exciting.

In a bland attempt to get more people to buy their 'food,' McDonald's has started selling rice in their Asian franchises. If they meet with more success there, I think they should stop selling 'McRib' sandwiches and 'Flat Bread' sandwiches over here. Fake food makes me quiver...

And a final note of interest for all of you who may have seen "The Road to Perdition" already. Time Magazine has a short review of the original material the movie was based on that you may or may not find interesting. Check it out.

No more at this moment, more to come later, perhapsss...

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