Monday, September 23, 2002

Ahhh, a whole 363 more days until my next birthday. I wonder what will happen between now and then? Hopefully a lot. On with some Monday news.

Remember the movie Boys Don't Cry? Well, that story ended in brutal tragedy. However, here is another story of similar deception.

Matter, meet antimatter.

So your friendly neighborhood anarchists are planning a fun scavenger hunt for an upcoming trade summit in our nation's capitol. Funny how after all this patriotism, we can still find time to exercise our right to free speech. Not so funny is how superparanoia has led to not so quiet discomfort over a 'hunt' meant in jest.

Coupled with that superparanoia is the fact that our government may still have had prior information regarding the Septermber 11 attacks. Will this story ever die? As long as former Stanford Provost Condoleeza Rice can say information was "vague," I believe it will be perpetual.

A bit of light fluff. Sunday's Emmy Ceremony Winners.

And finally, Mitsubishi acts as hitmaker. Funny to see how much commercial media has influenced our pop culture. Think to yourself how many times you've seen a commercial and wondered, "What song is that?"

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