Thursday, September 12, 2002

Perfect Kiss

Running, laughing in the rain. Moving freely hand in hand. Brushing drops out of your eyelashes and off of your cheeks. Knowing I want to be with you again through moments like this.

Grey clouds, sagging heavily over rich, green trees. Wet scent of fresh autumn leaves sticking to cement and soil. The soft drum roll of a tearful sky pattering across the breezeway roof beats in time with our breathing. Deep inside your dark, brown eyes, I drown. Wanting to know what’s behind their gaze, so inviting, confident.

Drawing you closer I whisper softly, something for your ears only. Your responsive smile is contagious to my lips. My heart leaps. My thumb on your cheek, brushing back not drops but tears. I feel them hot on my own as your embrace grows warmer. Deeper and heavier I feel you sigh. Contentment and anticipation of something greater hides behind your subtle gesture. I feel your fingers clench mine knowingly with the passing breath.

Small, serpentine stream crawls down the center of a blacktop floor. Singing a song of aquatic dreams as it falls down iron gutters. Calm, sheltering sepia archway feels the breeze whipping softly about its face. Feathery gusts of dampened sky running fingers across the building’s shell. Smattering cries from far-off birds drinking from puddles and playing childish games. Buoyant chirping dancing across ears as I feel your shivering anticipation with my own.

Your hair so dark and wet, I move behind your ears. Tender hands run through my hair, resting and pressing at my neck. I’m beckoned forward, a hungry demand. Our lips meet in sync, soft and apart. Fingers press slightly, asking gently, receiving easily. My hands at your waist tensely want, moving slowly. Your chest meets mine; I let you lean as I succumb. Between your shoulders, graceful beauty, pull you slightly. My hands tremble, your lips so perfect. Rose petals cannot compare. Rapid breaths grow heated, almost angry. Fierce erupting passion can hardly be contained. Burning electricity sends nervous chills down my spine and my knees turn numb.

Crushing drops like sheets of glass pound the cold cement floors and ripple mirrored puddles. Calm leaves come to life and dance whimsically on windy legs; spiral, darting gestures punctuated by each sharp gust. Tall blades of grass softly wrestle with the breeze and rain. Wrapping themselves tightly together, strengthening their resistance, becoming one in their struggle against the elements; entwined limbs grasping desperately, longingly. Lonely, shuddering willows bend to shelter each blade. Pelted by thick drops of wet, but feeding on their moisture, living bravely in its solitude. Knowing its strength will not be undone, but bolstered by nature’s tears.

We pull away reluctantly, knowing it cannot end there, but it must. You whisper back, a returned phrase, echoing the previous sentiment. Leisurely we turn back, faces towards the peacefully dying rain. More in love than we had been before.

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