Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Truthfully, this week is just a set up for an entirely exhausting weekend. Promising? Perhaps, if my Free Will Horoscope has anything to say about it:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
In the course of human history, many other things have been used as money besides paper currency and precious metals. Among them have been tulips, seashells, cows, velvet, tobacco, elephant tusks, beetle legs, cheese, and giant stone wheels. I hope, Virgo, that these poetic variations on the theme will inspire you to designate a new form of legal tender in the coming weeks. The cosmic omens suggest you'll be exceptionally creative whenever you turn your thoughts to financial matters. Here are some questions to guide your explorations. What useful but undervalued beauty do you produce? Which of your unsung talents are finally ready to generate income? What hidden assets or neglected treasures could you turn into sources of wealth?

Ooh, hidden assets. Maybe this means I'm ready for that lucrative career in song and dance?

On with some news of a sort. An Australian comany is considering brewing alcoholic milk. Does this sound gross to you too? Maybe it'll be like Kalua? Or maybe even a white russian in a bottle? What's next, alcoholic gum?

Not only do we have worm virii on our computers, but now these worms are creating communities. Scary actually. It's like they have a mind of their own and their only thought is to take us down.

Think Kelly Clarkson from "American Idol" has it made? Think again.

The new season of "The Real World" has begun, this time in Las Vegas. What do we think of these people? Straight up Hos.

Want some more opinions? Try a few of these from The Onion on for size. Damn.

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