Wednesday, March 23, 2005

How the West Was Won

Sheriff Buckeye Time, originally uploaded by kardinalsin.

Initially, I had the idea that I'd just focus on the historical figures, but I realized I had to make sure all of Justin's relatives were fleshed out as well. You know, to ground everything close to home. I read a blurb somewhere that the reason the original Star Wars movies work so much better than the prequels is because of Han Solo, who acts as the realist in the initial saga. Although one can't get more realistic than history, I felt that the figures themselves would be so much larger in life if somewhat ordinary people were able to identify with how awesome their backgrounds were.

That's how I ended up with the next two guys. So far, the only backstory I have cooked up for Buckeye here is that he is part of William "Buffalo Bill" Cody's touring Wild West show. There's something about his Eastwoodedness that I like and thankfully, he didn't come out looking too generic. He is missing something crucial to the costume though, can you guess what it is?

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