Sunday, April 03, 2005

The 29-Year-Old Virgin

The only comment I can offer is that I probably followed a lot of these tenets until my senior year in high school. In light of Derek Kim's comic The 10 Commandments of Simon, I checked out the rest of the site, and I really like it. good timing, good layouts, it makes me have hope for independent work at some point. I wish I could say what's holding me back from actually doing hard work on something like this, but something tells me that it might have something to do with TiVo and also might have something to do with confidence.

Some people have referred to me as "arrogant." Some people have referred to me as having "low self-esteem." Truthfully, I'm not sure where I lie on that line of self-worth in general, but lately I'm being pushed to strive for what it is that I really want to accomplish. I'm seeing so much independent work and receiving a heaping amount of praise from both art classes that soon the plunge might actually happen. It's that safety net called income though that scares me most of all I think. I really like stability. I really like being able to enjoy the things that this stability provides and possibly not having that anymore kind of freaks me out. Being stuck doing something I only half-enjoy though freaks me out just as much.

Perhaps I just need that final push from somewhere I guess. Maybe getting more paid work and more exposure in general would be something I'd like. Maybe it's a negative reaction that I fear. With more exposure, something like that is bound to happen. In all, I still have this feeling that I need more artistic education and small batches of experience before I can make the transition. Before then, I'll just have to keep plugging along.

Plug, plug, plug.

Oh, and by the way. If anyone really has any requests for drawings, sketches, etc. feel free to ask away. It's practice and I enjoy it anyway. Don't be afraid to ask.

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