Monday, October 14, 2002

I need a tissue. It's Monday, I'm congested, but the weekend was fun. I'll keep the banter and comments to a minimum to conserve my strength. I'm not actually that sick, but for the sake of being dramatic, I'll act all sorry for myself. On with some news.

People in England may not have the best dental care, but they at least get paid to work out.

The Washington Sniper has really caused quite a disturbance on the East Coast. Luckily, the police believe they may have a few clues that will lead to his capture.

We all know some people's issues start in the home. But now, there may be evidence that it goes deeper than that.

In case you've been living in a cave, under a rock, THE ANGELS ARE IN THE WORLD SERIES!

If the United States goes to war against Iraq, there will be repercussions in a lot of ways. Bush is being semi-smart, and trying to curb those repercussions early.

This story is too sensational to describe. Just read it.

So the RIAA believes they can crack down on us pirates through our educational system. How sad is that?

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